Hornhems Webportal Anleitung

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Welcome as a user of the webshop from Hoernhems AB.

Beside informations to orders and deliveries it is possible to show actual availabilities weekly.

Furthermore you can fill in orders directly and send to us or you can change existing orders.

With this brief education we will explain the "how to" to you step by step.

1 First overview

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You can find the categories where you can make selections for your shopping cart already before you register or sign up.

At (1) you can login and logout with your client number.

When you have made your orders you go to the shopping cart (2).

Please select >>Assortment>> (3) to choose from our offers.

2 Selection filters

2.1 Choice of Weeks

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In the selection "Assortment" (1) please select the wanted delivery weeks (2) in the red marked required field.

It is possible to make a selection into the following year.

With the button >>Reset<< (3) you will delete the selection.

With a click at >>Search<< (4) you will confirm your selection and first results will be shown. We want to go on with selectings to concrete our search.

2.2 other filters

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Corresponding to our assortment the filter "Sort" (1) shows a comprehensive range. To simplify your choice we have built in a search function (2) which restricts to part of words.

In the shown sample there are only a few "Sorts" with "ch".

Further filters to select are:

  • Producer
    • All producers are listed and can be preselected
  • packaging unit
    • you can select the quantities of our sales units.
  • delivery form
    • Here you can find all forms we offer for sale
  • NEW
    • If you wish an offer of new intrances please set a hook here.
  • Only available
    • If you want to see only the available assortment in the selected weeks please set a hook here.

The results will be shown only after your selection in the >>Weeks<<.

2.3 table of selection

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Now for each week you get an overview of the available quantities corresponding to your selection.

In this table you have the possibility to sort each column by using the (red framed here) sort-images (1) that you can find your wanted selection faster.

The column "Pla./Tray" shows the delivery quantity guaranteed by us.

In column "Info" (2) you find an image of the variety. There is deposited a link with further description to this article which opens with a click.

In this table you can fill in your orders directly (3). The background colour have the meaning as follows:

  • white filed: this variety is not available in this week or pruduction has started already.
  • green field: in this week as well an offer as a fixed order is possible.
The quantities in the input fields will be rounded up to the next unit.

If you want you can fill in a commission (4). For finishing your order please click the button >>add to cart<< (5).

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After clicking >>add to cart<< the articles will be transfered. A message opens that transfer was successful. It is combined with the question how to go on: order some more or go to the shopping cart?

In this sample we click >>To shopping cart<<.

2.4 The shopping cart before login

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For registered clients it is absolutely necessary that you now click at >>Login<< (1).

You will come back to the selections in your shopping cart after login was successful.

If you are a new client please fill in the correct dates of your company (2). Your order will be registered, too and you will be established as a client.

You will get a warning if one of the required fields marked with * is not filled out.

3 Login

Now it is time to explain the login before further activities will be executed.

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Your language will change automatically with your login due to the language we use for your forms (1).

At (2) you can read either "Agency login" or "Client login".

  • at "Client login" our client can login himself. There he can take over old orders into a new order corresponding to the availabilities.
  • at "Agency login" our agent can select his client in another selection field and take over old orders into a new order corresponding to the availabilities at site of the client.
Important: you are at "Client login" when you can read "Agency login".

At (3) you fill in your client number and confirm with your password (4), then you sign in with the button >>Login<< (5).

3.1 Overview after login as client

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Contrary to the common start mask now you can find your name in the login (1).

At (2) please logout before you close the window.

Additional now you have an overview of your actual orders (3), the Previous year orders (4) and can open a list of Free amount list (5).

If you have selected an order and transfered to the shopping cart before your login you now directly reach your shopping cart again.

The picture corresponding to the title of the opened page will be coloured while the other pictures are in black and white (6).

3.2 Overview after login as agent

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Contrary to the common start mask now you can find your name in the login (1).

At (2) please logout before you close the window.

In front of "Logged in as:..." you find a grey field. This field shows the client you work on actually (3).

Clicking the arrow you can select your client. With the search field (4) you will find your client easily.

Additional now you have an overview of your clients orders from last year (5). In this category you can open old orders and overtake them for this season. An explanation of this function you will find here.

Support on site of the client is very comfortable this way.

4 change password

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If you want to change your password you click at "change password" on top of the screen (1).

First put in your old password (2).

In the second line you put in your new password (3) and confirm by putting in the third line again (4). They will be checked for matching.

To confirm your new password now please click the button >>change<< (5).

If you want to leave this window without changing the password please click the cross top right (6).

5 orders

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When you click the picture "Orders" (1) you will come to "orders". In this table will be shown the actual orders.

By clicking "show order" (2) you can open the specific order.

In column status (3) you can see the work off at your order:

  • - planned on tour
  • - approved (you have received a mail)
  • - wait for confirmation
  • - billed

5.1 show order

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Clicking at "show order" opens a form with all details of the chosen order. The following informations are included:

  • - state of the order (1),
  • - shipping week and order number (2),
  • - addresses of invoice and delivery place (if different) (3),
  • - By clicking the "cross" top right (4) you can leave this window again.

6 previous year order

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You want to take an order from last year? Please click at the category "previous year order" (1).

If you know the exact weeks of your last year order you select them directly. Else you select in a wider time range (2).

If you are interested in new intrances please hook at "Add new articles" (3).

At least again click >>Search<<.

6.1 Articles not available

If we have taken articles out of our assortment we offer alternative articles to you.

You will recognize an article as not available any more at the strikedout article-no. and an arrow leading to the alternative article (1).

In the chosen weeks there are no input fields available (red frame).

The substitute variety (framed in green) is marked as such (2).

You will find a suggestion in the input field from the order of last year from the variety no longer available (3).

6.2 New intrances

If you have hooked "Add new articles" also these will be taken in the form. You can recognize them at the "NEW" (1).

You are interested? Fill in one of your order weeks a quantity to get to know more about this article (2).

Please check again all the ordered quantities in the respective weeks before fixing your order (red arrow). Change if necessary.

For finishing your order please click the button >>add to cart<< (3).

7 Availability

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We refresh our list of free amounts weekly. These articles are only available by request.

To simplify your choice we have built in a search function which restricts to part of words.

For each week you get an overview of the available trays.

In this table you have the possibility to sort each column by using the (red framed here) sort-images (1) that you can find your wanted selection faster.

The column "Pla./Tray" shows the offered sales form, in "available" (2) you see the maximum quantity of trays that you can order.

The image-icon (2) opens a larger picture of the variety in this row.

In this table you can fill in your orders directly (3).

Please remark that you order the number of trays. Your input will be changed automatically in the shopping cart.
If you put in more than maximum available there will open a warning hint and the maximum quantity will be inserted.

If you want you can fill in a commission (4). For finishing your order please click the button >>add to cart<< (5).

After clicking >>add to cart<< the articles will be transfered. A message opens that transfer was successful. It is combined with the question how to go on: order some more or go to the shopping cart?

In this sample we click >>to shopping cart<<.

The quantities of orders from the free amount list are not possible to change in the shopping cart. You have to delete the wrong line and order again.

8 The shopping cart

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Now please click on the symbol "shopping cart" (1) top right. The quantity of your orders will be shown on the right.

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In the shopping cart every delivery week is shown separately. Orders from the free amount list have been marked as available on request, this colour is taken here, too. For those articles you only can give a "request" (1).

It is not possible to change the quantities of orders from the free amount list any more. If you want to change the quantities you have to delete this line (2) and go back to the order form again.

Articles that are officially available (delivery week marked in orange) you can order directly (3).

If we have different delivery addresses of your company you can choose the one you want here (4).

Here as well you can write a special text for commission (5).

You can change the quantity of an article still in the shopping cart (6).

With click on the "waste bin" (7) an article can be deleted from a delivery week.

By clicking the >>Delete<<-button (8) all rows will be deleted from a delivery week. 

Now you can click directly at >>order<<.

This will be send via email directly to Hoernhems AB.

In top of the shopping cart you will find the button >>order all weeks<< (9). With a click on this button you will generate orders for all weeks. Every week will be in a separate order.

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Now the report "your order was successfully sent." opens as well as the buttons >>show<< and >>OK<< (1).

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If you click at >>show<< the order will be shown completely. Now it could be copied (1), printed (2) or saved as Excel- or PDF-file (3).

8.1 Exporting the data files

Below your address on the left you find different possibilities to export your data files.

8.1.1 as PDF

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The >>PDF<< button (1) opens a popup-window to transfer the actual table into a PDF file.

You can choose (2) between "save directly" or open in Adobe Reader first to have a look on the dates and then save with another name.

Surplus you can set a hook to choose this way for every PDF file (3).

To finish you click >>OK<< (4).

8.1.2 in Excel

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With the >>Excel<< button (1) a similar window like for the PDF one opens. When you confirm with mit >>OK<< (2), an Excel file opens where all dates are transfered in.

You have to give the files free to edit the dates.

8.1.3 Copy

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The button >>copy<< (1) corresponds to the Windows-command Strg + C without marking the lines in advance.

For a short moment you will see the note "Clipboard" (2).

As well in table calculation software as in text software you now can use the command "Insert" – e.g. Strg + V – or "right mouse button" and "insert" to insert the clipboard dates.

Please remember to logout when you leave our shop!